Author Archives: Stephen Oram

About Stephen Oram

Stephen Oram writes near-future and speculative fiction. His work has been praised by publications as diverse as The Morning Star and The Financial Times.

Stimulate your dreams

If you’re looking for alternative bedtime stories or flashes of near-future fiction to infiltrate and steer your dreams then look no further.

In no particular order, pick the one you fancy and then take one a night or binge on the lot, the choice is yours…

  1. Everyday Stims: drugs for work, for play & establishment hypocrisy
  2. Make Me As You See Me: extreme body modification
  3. Loans for Limbs: who owns the tech in your body?
  4. I Want To Be Pure For Him: purging memories for a new lover
  5. The Never Ending Nanobot Nectar: the future of sex and drugs?
  6. Pumped Up Presidents: the descendants of Trump and Putin
  7. Effort Less: valuing work differently
  8. The Queen’s Heart: if we could converse with our organs
  9. The Potential: a surveillance butler follows your lover
  10. The Blockchain Blues: democracy muggers and micro-voting
  11. Placodermi Protection: new born babies, VR and ancient fish
  12. Modified Manhood: fertility food and the Procreators

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