“John Doyle Remains” in Abyss published by Orchid’s Lantern
“Haptic Father” published by Necessary Fiction
“Long Live the Strawberries of Finsbury Park” – augmented reality zine by Furtherfield and Studio HyteChimy and Chris – Best of British Science Fiction 2020
“Chimy and Chris” in VAST published by Orchid’s Lantern
“Alpha42 and the Space Hermits” in Once Upon a Parsec from NewCon Press
“US” in SYNTH #2: An Anthology of Dark SF
“The Mythical Moss” in Fairy Tales and Folkore Re-imagined
“The Downward Spiral of the Disenfanchised Consumer” in Dream City Blues
“Little Modern Miracles” in Wordland 7: Mountebanks
“Be Aware, the Hand That Feeds” in Literally Stories“The Beast” in Orchid’s Lantern Flash Showcase
“Failing Fathers” for Tales from CyberSalon: Future of Money“Shame Stains” in Sein Und Werden’s Last Chance Filling Station issue“Gathering Power” for Tales from CyberSalon: future of community“Keeping Family” in dyst Literary Journal“The Crunch” for Tales from CyberSalon: future of the High Street“Bits ‘n Bacon” for Tales from CyberSalon: future of health
“Yours Or Mine” in Flash Frontier
Placodermi Protection in Far Horizons Magazine“Dormant Status” in Fairy Tales and Folkore Re-imagined
“I Want To Be Pure For Him” in England’s Future History