Author Archives: Stephen Oram

About Stephen Oram

Stephen Oram writes near-future and speculative fiction. His work has been praised by publications as diverse as The Morning Star and The Financial Times.

Utopia Now!

On Tuesday 11 October I’ll be running a creative writing workshop with young people (14 – 18 years old). From this, they will create their own visions of the future and write short stories based around them.

What’s fantastic about this project is that there will be input to the workshop from King’s College London researchers, who will also discuss their visions for the future. And, previous workshops have shown me just how knowledgeable and balanced young people can be about our possible futures.

Utopia Now! In the future, will robots run schools? And will food be grown in labs? Come along to develop your creative writing and story ideas with published Science Fiction writer Stephen Oram and researchers at King’s College London working at the forefront of scientific research. This workshop is for people aged 14 – 18 years old.” [Science Gallery London, Great Maze Pond London SE1 9GU booking required]