Author Archives: Stephen Oram

About Stephen Oram

Stephen Oram writes near-future and speculative fiction. His work has been praised by publications as diverse as The Morning Star and The Financial Times.

Shame Stains

I’m very pleased to have another short piece – Shame Stains – in the wonderful Sein Und Werden, guest-edited by Allen Ashley.

The theme of this issue is Last Chance Filling Station which made me think of climate change and COP26 was in the back of my mind when I was writing it.

If you’re not familiar with this quarterly online magazine then here’s what it says about itself: “The goal of ‘Sein und Werden’ is to present works that evoke the spirit of the Expressionist, Existentialist and Surrealist movements within a modern context, which I like to call ‘Werdenism’.”

You can read it here