I came across these two stories last week – there’s an algorithm that can detect deceit in your social media feed and Twitter has been telling people they don’t exist.
This led me to ponder what it would be like to be in charge of a social media company with a conscience.
Imagine you’re uncomfortable with providing a platform from which people tell lies that are stored for future generations as the accurate record of our social history.
If your algorithms can detect deceit and detect it more effectively than human beings – that’s the claim – then would you consider it your moral duty to find the lies and delete them all? Of course you’d have to trust the algorithms, and their creators, to not deceive you.
Would you delete everything that appeared to be a lie, no matter how big or small?
I wonder if Twitter is temporarily suspending accounts while it cleanses them.
Have you checked your social media history recently?
Maybe you should…
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