Article: the future(s) of police & justice

An article that was recently published in the British Science Fiction Association’s Focus magazine is now available on this website so that non BSFA members can read it.

I cover quite a bit in the article, but to give you a flavour of the areas I was thinking about, here are some examples:

  • the tension between wanting every crime to be prosecuted and the desire for lower taxes
  • whether human bias or machine bias is better for justice (presuming bias will always be there)
  • can an automated system eradicate the disastrous effects of human ego in righting wrongful convictions
  • where and how is the inevitable use of AI best deployed.

I really enjoyed pondering and writing about this, especially using “All Tomorrow’s Futures” as a launch pad for ideas, and I hope it gives some food for thought around how we might work towards a free, fair and flawless justice system.

You can read the full article here.

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