Author Archives: Stephen Oram

About Stephen Oram

Stephen Oram writes near-future and speculative fiction. His work has been praised by publications as diverse as The Morning Star and The Financial Times.

Social robots for health…

I’m pleased to have been asked to contribute to this event looking at Social Robots for Health and Well-being in Ageing Societies; I’ll be reading and discussing my story, Eating Robots.

“This interdisciplinary workshop develops a critical approach to the research and development of social robots for health and well-being. […] The workshop brings perspectives from HRI, STS, Age Studies, and neighboring fields into conversation to develop aspects of an agenda for more reflective, holistic and appropriate development of social robots for older adults in ageing societies.”

The event is organised by Andreas Bischof and Sanna Kuoppamäki (members of the socio-gerontechnology network)

New on my YouTube channel

If you didn’t already know, now’s your chance to find out.

I have a YouTube channel where I store all the publicly available recordings that relate to my work – readings, panels, interviews etc.

I have just added the newly released panel on Anthropology and/of the Future – why not take a look (and subscribe to my channel too while you’re there).