Author Archives: Stephen Oram

About Stephen Oram

Stephen Oram writes near-future and speculative fiction. His work has been praised by publications as diverse as The Morning Star and The Financial Times.

Where do they come from?

Where do you get your ideas from is a question often asked of authors, particularly speculative fiction writers. A question seldom fully answered because it’s more difficult than it appears.

“I don’t know, they sort of come to me,” is not a good answer, but true in part.

“I spent five years undercover in a cutting edge medical facility,” is also not a good answer, mainly because it’s not true. Except for when it is of course.

Here’s my answer for a story that has just been published by The Centropic Oracle as an audio piece read by a professional actor.

So, how did Happy Forever Day come about?

Firstly, I was intrigued by listening to Aubrey de Grey at a Virtual Futures event titled End Aging (

Secondly, I ran a survey to find out people’s attitudes to living forever, in particular what age they’d like to stop aging and why.

Then I mulled stuff over and wrote Happy Forever Day. I hope you enjoy the story and the way that Rob Gillespie brings it to life.

photo credit: Theo Crazzolara light Bulb via photopin (license)