Smart Health?

Recently, I wrote a story for the first in a CyberSalon series of interdisciplinary, technology and policy investigations through science-fiction storytelling.

The first was on health and it’s worth taking a look; you can read the summary, watch the event and read the stories.

Eva Pascoe, chair of CyberSalon, describes the four stories as: “ranging from Robo-Bot for Health Insurance app going tragically wrong (by Jule Owen), a food-whores brothel where people pay vagrants to eat the unhealthy food for them (by Stephen Oram), examining the case of elderly medical surveillance app gone rouge (Britta F Schulte), to being lured into swapping your health data for a rare chance to travel to space (Ben Greenaway).

Take a look, and have a think… what future do you want (to avoid)?