Is this the end of democracy as we know it? And, is that a bad thing?
Should democracy fragment?

Is this the end of democracy as we know it? And, is that a bad thing?
Where do you get your ideas from is a question often asked of authors, particularly speculative fiction writers. A question seldom fully answered because it’s more difficult than it appears.
“I don’t know, they sort of come to me,” is not a good answer, but true in part.
“I spent five years undercover in a cutting edge medical facility,” is also not a good answer, mainly because it’s not true. Except for when it is of course.
Here’s my answer for a story that has just been published by The Centropic Oracle as an audio piece read by a professional actor.
So, how did Happy Forever Day come about?
Firstly, I was intrigued by listening to Aubrey de Grey at a Virtual Futures event titled End Aging (
Secondly, I ran a survey to find out people’s attitudes to living forever, in particular what age they’d like to stop aging and why.
Then I mulled stuff over and wrote Happy Forever Day. I hope you enjoy the story and the way that Rob Gillespie brings it to life.
photo credit: Theo Crazzolara light Bulb via photopin (license)
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