Tag Archives: reviews

Snapshots that made me smile…

Biohacked & Begging has been out a few months and the reviews are coming in, so I thought it was high time I sat down and reviewed the reviews, so to speak.

Here are some quotes that made me smile:

“Oram is like the grand master of near future fiction.”

Gallifreyan Buccaneer

“This is a great collection – it only took 24hours to devour it!”

Megan Forrest (Amazon)

“Awesome book. I want more!”

Patricia Eroh (Amazon)

“The worlds created in each instance are profoundly imaginative.”

ForTheLoveOfNietzsche (Amazon)

“This collection is engrossing, eye opening and thought provoking.”

Jypsy (Goodreads)

“Designer food, drugs and so forth has never been so interesting and scary at same time.”

Engel Dreizehn (Goodreads)

“Blown away by this inspirational collection.”

Sandra (Goodreads)

“Definitely a fan of Mr. Oram’s style.”

BookwormishMe (Goodreads)

“Everything about this book is aesthetically pleasing to me.”

Victoria (Goodreads)

“Like “Ok, Computer” in flash fiction form.”

j (Amazon)

And, don’t forget – an author thrives on reviews so keep ’em coming!

photo credit: Christian Gloor (mostly) underwater photographer Happy to eat bugs via photopin(license)