Tag Archives: AI

Is the Future of Justice Free, Fair, and Flawless?

I’m very pleased to have another article in the BSFA Focus magazine’s ‘Shape of Things to Come’.

With this one, I take the section on Police and Justice in “All Tomorrow’s Futures” and expand and extrapolate into some new ideas.

I cover quite a bit in the article, but to give you a flavour of the areas I was thinking about, here are some examples:

  • the tension between wanting every crime to be prosecuted and the desire for lower taxes
  • whether human bias or machine bias is better for justice (presuming bias will always be there)
  • can an automated system eradicate the disastrous effects of human ego in righting wrongful convictions
  • where and how is the inevitable use of AI best deployed.

I really enjoyed pondering and writing about this, especially using All Tomorrow’s Futures as a launch pad for ideas, and I hope it gives some food for thought around how we might work towards a free, fair and flawless justice system.

Greenbelt: AI and You

At the Greenbelt festival this year I’ve been asked to lead a workshop on AI, as part of the William Temple Foundation strand of the festival.

The description of the session is:

AI and You

An interactive session to discover, discuss and design your future. Explore the role of AI now and its future potential, both the good possibilities and the bad. Could AI help you in your exams?  Or to be healthier? Could it reduce the energy we use? Could it replace your teacher? Or even the police?

The age range for participants is 12 to 17 and by the end of the workshop they should be in a position to write a short story set in or around 2044.

Workshop participants – you can post your stories as a comment below.