Chimy and Chris has been selected for Best of British Science Fiction 2020.
Selected for the Best of British Science Fiction 2020

Chimy and Chris has been selected for Best of British Science Fiction 2020.
How might the power of human dreaming, collaborations with A.I. rather than competition, and scenario planning for smart cities coalesce in the future?
Recently, I wrote a story for the first in a CyberSalon series of interdisciplinary, technology and policy investigations through science-fiction storytelling.
The first was on health and it’s worth taking a look; you can read the summary, watch the event and read the stories.
Eva Pascoe, chair of CyberSalon, describes the four stories as: “ranging from Robo-Bot for Health Insurance app going tragically wrong (by Jule Owen), a food-whores brothel where people pay vagrants to eat the unhealthy food for them (by Stephen Oram), examining the case of elderly medical surveillance app gone rouge (Britta F Schulte), to being lured into swapping your health data for a rare chance to travel to space (Ben Greenaway).
Take a look, and have a think… what future do you want (to avoid)?